About us

Be enchanted by the way of being Elizabeth that matches everything that suits you!

We value real beauty, we like to spread happiness, build solid relationships and transform everything around us for the better.

Born in Paraíba, it is present throughout the country and has 9 manufacturing units spread across Brazil: five in Santa Catarina, two in Paraíba, one in Bahia and one in Rio Grande do Norte.

We develop products designed especially to fill your life with more color, joy, warmth and all those delicious sensations that make life worth living.

Present in the lives of many people since 1984, we are a genuinely Brazilian company. Our goal is to combine practicality, design and a great price to make your home truly beautiful, respecting your way of being, living, living and being happy. With Elizabeth you will fill your life with beauty, practicality and that something more that only those who put their heart into everything they do can offer. Elizabeth came to enchant, to match everything that suits you.

Our positioning

Elizabeth is the ceramic tile brand that best understands consumers, as it offers products with great durability and exclusive formats, contemporary beauty, relevant and at a price that fits everyone's budget.


We materialize dreams and deliver happiness through our ceramic coatings.


Offer the best ceramic coating options, always aligned with the real needs of consumers, guaranteeing beauty, durability, fair prices and easy access.


Be recognized as the smartest purchase in ceramic tiles by 2030.


Excellence | Ethics | People | Results

With Elizabeth you will fill your life with beauty, practicality and that something more that only those who put their heart into everything they do can offer.

Going beyond the simple product x price relationship, Elizabeth practices an active relationship with its customers, which allows it to offer effectively relevant attributes, such as high durability, contemporary aesthetics and values ​​suited to the reality of the entire base, whether individuals or companies.

With plants in the Northeast and Santa Catarina, Elizabeth currently has one of the largest production capacities in Brazil and a broad logistics structure, ensuring agility and quality in delivery, the possibility of developing exclusive formats aligned with local needs and broad, solid and transparent operations.

Elizabeth knows her clients, partners and collaborators in depth, seeking to satisfy each of them with transparency and precision. To this end, it produces formats and solutions that meet your needs in different contexts (residential or commercial) and is concerned with being accessible, positioning itself in the right place, with the right product.

Elizabeth understands the needs and reality of its customers, positioning itself as a brand that values ​​the consumer's ability to choose, especially the female public, generating trust in its products and self-confidence on the part of the consumer who feels respected and supported.

Elizabeth's greatest commitment is to the materialization of dreams through the achievement of beautiful, functional and cozy environments. At the same time that it transforms people's lives through its products, the brand transfers this “transformative power” to those who choose its brand, providing consumer decisions with safety, quality and that pleasant feeling of having made a great purchase.